
2023 Product Updates Recap

A recap of 40+ releases for WorkOS customers in 2023 including 99.99% availability, Events API, AuthKit, Domain Verification API, and more.

2023 was a tremendous year of growth for both WorkOS and our customers. We’re grateful for the feedback we get from developers on our platform, and we take great pride in releasing new features with both high quality and velocity. Here’s a recap of over 40 new releases across our User Management, SSO, Directory Sync, and Audit Logs products delivered this year.

Single Sign-On

  1. 99.99% availability for SSO, Directory Sync, and Audit Logs
  2. Groups for SSO users
  3. Improved SAML session viewer
  4. Added support for SAML login and domain hints
  5. Improved SSO configuration experience
  6. Enhanced validation of OIDC connections
  7. Guide for building SSO user experiences

Directory Sync

  1. Events API – a new way to sync state from WorkOS
  2. Directory Events view
  3. Improved validation during SCIM setup
  4. User provisioning via SFTP
  5. Directory validation for Google Workspace, SFTP, and Workday
  6. Secure user state management flow
  7. Consolidating group membership fragmentation
  8. User state consolidation
  9. Additional developer documentation
  10. A guide to just-in-time user provisioning

User Management & AuthKit

  1. Introducing User Management & AuthKit
  2. GitHub OAuth support
  3. Migration guides for AWS Cognito, Auth0, and Firebase

Admin Portal

  1. Custom domains for Admin Portal invite emails
  2. Invite admins to Admin Portal via email
  3. Streamlined setup links
  4. Free custom branding in Sandbox
  5. Improved validation during SCIM setup

Audit Logs

  1. Audit Logs API to define event schema
  2. Audit Logs retention period API
  3. New Log Streams destination: Google Cloud Storage


  1. Domain Verification API
  2. Events page
  3. All teams can now sign in to the WorkOS Dashboard using SSO
  4. Compliance documents in Dashboard
  5. Self-serve creation of your shared Slack channel
  6. Postman Public Workspace
  7. Bubble plugin

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