
January Product Updates

Bot Protection in AuthKit, Organization filtering in Dashboard, Filtering Google Workspace Directories, Auth0 pricing comparison, and more

Bot Protection in AuthKit

Hosted AuthKit now includes bot detection in all critical workflows, providing automatic protection against unauthorized account signups.

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Learn more about Bot Protection →

Organization filtering in the Dashboard

The Organizations page in the Dashboard now includes new filtering parameters, enabling teams to sort through specific org information easily. New filters include provider type for SSO and Directory Sync, connection status, date of creation, and user count.

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Learn more about Organization filtering →

Filtering Google Workspace Directories

Google Workspace admins will now have the ability to choose and filter which groups are synced through Directory Sync upon setup and post-configuration. These changes will be reflected in the data that is transmitted via events, webhooks, and the API. With this change, admins can now exert more control over the user information being sent to your application via the Admin Portal.

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Learn more about Filtering Google Workspace Directories →

Auth0 vs. WorkOS pricing comparison

Common complaints around Auth0’s pricing structure include usage gates, non-linear price hikes, and forced sales conversations. This post provides a breakdown of the pricing comparison between the two platforms, and how WorkOS offers more competitive and transparent pricing for B2B SaaS companies.

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Learn more about the Auth0 pricing comparison →

Featured customer: Chromatic

Chromatic had originally used an in-house solution built with Passport.js to support SSO for their enterprise customers. The team quickly experienced bandwidth constraints when they had to spend hours provisioning a new connection and deleting SAML users for every customer. They wanted a more scalable solution that could support both SSO and SCIM and successfully migrated to WorkOS in less than 2 weeks.

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Learn more about Chromatic’s migration story →

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