
November Product Updates

User Management APIs (free up to 1 million MAUs), Domain Verification API, Dashboard SAML for all teams, and the Enterprise Readiness Guide for Product Managers

User Management APIs

User Management APIs provide a complete auth solution that handles email verification, account linking, bot blocking, organization modeling, and more. This service is free up to 1,000,000 monthly active users. Migration guides for Auth0, Firebase, and Cognito can be found in docs.

Learn more about User Management APIs →

Domain Verification API

The Admin Portal supports self-serve Domain Verification as a standalone feature that enables IT admins to prove domain ownership by creating and verifying DNS TXT records. Domain verification is a fundamental security measure that ensures only authorized entities can control the domain-related configurations of a service.

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Learn more about domain verification →

Teams can now use SSO to sign in to the WorkOS Dashboard

All teams can enable SAML authentication for the WorkOS Dashboard. This is available to all users at no additional cost.

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Learn more about Dashboard SAML →

Directory Validation for Google Workspace, SFTP, and Workday

WorkOS identifies setup misconfigurations with Google Workspace, SFTP, and Workday directories and provides specific instructions on how to fix these issues. This means that during validation, IT admins can troubleshoot and self-resolve any errors.

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Learn more about non-SCIM validation →

The Enterprise Readiness Guide for SaaS Product Managers

This guide walks through the ideal timing for moving upmarket, the enterprise roadmap, build vs. buy considerations, and pricing & packaging.

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Read the guide →

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